Galantin Steaks are originated from the Western culinary tradition. At the very least, since the Dutch colonial era, steak was familiar greeting among the elite of the tongue when it's Indonesia. Over time, this increasingly populist cuisine with a variety of clever modifications.Increasingly strong savory aroma ambush nose when the tongue moves from the skillet steak rolled into a flat earthenware pan. The sound of hot sauce in the skillet to sound upbeat. Smoke rising from the pan and hold thin steak. Here's steak in a restaurant serving cuisine Dapoer Steak at Jalan Kusumawadini, Semarang, Central Java.
Steak or beef steak is a meat-based dishes (beef) in large pieces that are usually served with boiled or fried potatoes and vegetables such as carrots and green beans. During its development, in Indonesia, steak embodied in the various derivatives. Strait solo with a sweet watery soup, for example, is a modified version of the classic steak with Java approach. Meanwhile, in Dapoer Steak, steak being performed populist with strong flavors and spices.
Almost similar to the strait solo, filmed tongue Dapoer Beef steak served in a state of beef tongue has been cut in soy-based glaze brown sauce. Fluffier potato chunks, carrots, broccoli, and fresh tomato slices in the middle gives the flavor of spices. This brown sauce was thicker than soup strait solo in general. Taste the sweet savory sauce with spicy readily accepted scolding tongue.
Regardless of the sauce, the texture quality of the meat of the tongue also feels good. Apparently, according to Joseph of Dapoer Beef, beef tongue and dibacem dipresto before then cooked briefly to blend the sauce over the fire. "Dibacem after the presto. Covered with meat sauce, cumin, white pepper, cooked on medium heat for one to two hours, "said Joseph.
In addition to the tongue steak, other steak served various Dapoer Steak ranging from seafood such as shrimp or crab, beef, until the torpedoes! Initial processing of beef and torpedoes, according to Yusuf, similar to beef tongue. In the beginning, first boiled meat with bay leaves and lime leaves. The booklet then presto and pembaceman. Three at the beginning of the process is fairly determine the quality of the final taste of the steak.
Although the treatment process is long and time, guests who order a steak does not have to wait long. The third is a long process that has been done before ordering. Short ripening process, which is baked and cooked in a flat pan with the sauce, done after any new orders.
"The presentation of this kind (with earthenware bowls) that are more familiar with the common people. In addition, this bowl also retain heat longer and is said to absorb toxins from food, "said Joseph.
Steak galantin
Another instance of a steak is a steak galantin. Galantin actually a dish that is also based on meat, like beef, chicken, or duck. Galantin generally served chilled with a splash of sauce. One restaurant that serves steak galantin the culinary traditions of Java approach is the Kusuma Sari Restaurant in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
Galantin steak is a beef that diadoni with bread crumbs, egg, seasonings, then steamed and fried in a flat pan with a little margarine. Presentation galantin then it resembles a classic steak in general. In a flat dish surrounded by pieces galantin slices of boiled eggs, carrots, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, and lettuce.
Splash of sweet savory sauce and thick unify various earlier elements, plus a bit of a sweet mustard sauce on a lettuce leaf. If you're feeling flush enough sweet sauce, sweet mustard dressing can be ignored. Sweet-savory taste, with no shades of spicy, it dominate enough of the Kusuma Sari galantin steak. The influence of culinary traditions of Java, especially Central Java, it feels strong. Moreover, it's a small restaurant specializing cuisine from Central Java.

"Steak galantin this is one of the first king of food craze in Kasunanan Solo in the Dutch colonial era," said Yasti, Kusuma Sari owner who is also from Solo.
Both the steak from Steak and steak Dapoer galantin Kusuma Sari style meal should not spend too deep. Along with the motion of the times, the first meal was actually impressed elitist now much more populist, with a fixed look pretty.