Spanish cooking is still essentially family cooking in that it's relatively simple to prepare and always uses fresh produce.
Cooking in the different regions varies greatly, from Andalusia in the South where the food is hot and spicy with an Arabic influence, to Galicia in the Northwest with its Celtic heritage and known for its Pote (hearty soups made with meat bones and beans) and Asturias famous for its bean dish Fabada. In the East, Valencia leans toward the more typical Mediterranean cuisine whilst in the West Extremadura is famous for its ham and sausages, including Chorizo. Game is also frequently used.

We can't possibly do a feature on Spanish cuisine without the mention of Catalan and Basque cooking.
Cataluna is in the Northeast of Spain and includes the town of Barcelona. The cuisine uses fish, seafood, meats and poultry, which are often combined with local fruits in an exciting and inventive way, whilst in the fertile Basque country (North Spain - includes the town of Bilbao ) a more hearty type of cooking prevails utilising fresh fish, meat and vegetables including a popular local dish called Marmitako (potatoes with Bonito).
Below are a few Spanish recipes for you to try. We hope you enjoy them:
Albóndigas (Meatballs)
Paella Valenciana
Fideùa Valenciana
Spanish Potatoes Omelette
Solomillo de Cerdo
Christmas Turkey with Truffles
Callos a la Madrileña (Beef Tripe and Snout)
Lentejas (Lentil Stew)
Gazpacho Andaluz
Caldo Gallego
Pisto Manchego
Sancocho Canario
Pescaito Frito
Boquerones en Vinagre
Chorizo in Red Wine
Galician Octopus (Pulpo Feira)
Papas Arrugadas
Mojo Picon
Mojo Verde
"Brave" Potatoes
Crema Catalana
Lemon Sorbet
Tarta de Santiago
Tocino de Cielo
The Churros