1/2 cup cold milk
1 (3.4 ounce) package JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
1 small fully ripe banana, mashed
1 (10.5 ounce) package frozen pound cake, thawed, crumbled into fine crumbs
3 (4.4 ounce) packages milk chocolate bars, chopped
2 tablespoons multi-colored sprinkles
Stir milk and pudding mix in medium bowl with large spoon just until pudding mix is moistened. Immediately add bananas and cake crumbs; mix well.
Shape into 36 (1-inch) balls; place on waxed paper-covered rimmed baking sheet. Freeze 1 hour.
Melt chocolate in medium microwaveable bowl on HIGH 1-1/2 min., stirring after 1 min. Dip balls in chocolate; return to baking sheet. Top immediately with sprinkles. Let stand until coating is firm.
How to Portion Cake Balls: Use cookie scoop to portion the cake mixture for each ball. Then, roll the cake balls between the palms of your hands to form smooth round balls.
How to Easily Coat the Cake Balls: Remove inner tines of disposable fork; set aside. Add cake balls, in batches, to bowl of melted chocolate. Use spoon or rubber scraper to evenly coat balls with chocolate. Remove balls with prepared fork.
Size-Wise: These special-occasion cake balls, with their built-in portion control, can be part of a balanced diet. Enjoy one today for a sweet treat.
Recipes Banana Cake Balls
Posted by RESEP MASAKAN DAN MANFAAT ANEKA BUAH on Sunday, March 4, 2012
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