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Feel the delicious Durian Pontianak

Posted by RESEP MASAKAN DAN MANFAAT ANEKA BUAH on Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Durian is a fruit typical of West Kalimantan. In the city of Pontianak, durian is found in the roadside. Durian, among others, the sales center in Jalan Teuku Umar, Jalan Sungai Raya In, Way. M. Yamin, and many others.
The traders usually mengantung durian-durian they sell. Durian Pontianak has pierced but distinctive scent. Presumably because the durian-durian from the forest and the trees mature. For a taste of Pontianak durians do not need much. Enough money goceng alias Rp 5,000.

You must know how to choose ripe durian. If the wrong choice, can get the raw durian or not it sweet. It is better to entrust the affairs of the experts that the merchant. Although many vendors lined up, they have their respective customers.
Do not worry you'll find that too ripe durian. When durian is not sold and maturity, it will be processed into lempok alias dodol durian. Can also be made tampoyak, processed durian mixed with shrimp, rice side dishes a la Pontianak.

Durian Pontianak not know the season. Throughout the year as each district produces duren different forest harvest time. As of Ketapang, Sanggau, Karagan Hall, and the District Pavilion. And the window is on Jalan Teuku Umar Pontianak.

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